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Limousine Services Party Bus & Event Planning Guide!









Limousine Services
in the United States:

Limos in Alabama
Limos in Arkansas
Limos in Alaska
Limos in Arizona
Limos in California
Limos in Colorado
Limos in Connecticut
Washington DC Limos
Limos in Delaware
Limos in Florida
Limos in Georgia
Limos in Hawaii
Limos in Idaho
Limos in Illinois
Limos in Indiana
Limos in Iowa
Limos in Kansas
Limos in Kentucky
Limos in Louisiana
Limos in Maine
Limos in Maryland
Limos in Massachusetts
Limos in Michigan
Limos in Minnesota
Limos in Mississippi
Limos in Missouri
Limos in Nebraska
Limos in Nevada
Limos in New Hampshire
New Jersey Limos
Limos in New Mexico
New York Limos
Limos in North Carolina
Ohio Limos
Limos in Oklahoma
Limos in Oregon
Limos in Pennsylvania
Limos in Rhode Island
Limos in South Carolina
Limos in South Dakota
Limos in Tennessee
Limos in Texas
Limos in Utah
Limos in Vermont
Limos in Virginia
Limos in Washington St.
Limos in Washington, DC
Limos in Wisconsin
Limos in Wyoming



To ensure that you select the appropriate Limousine/transportation provider for your Prom or Homecoming transportation needs, please review the following suggestions:

  1. Inquire about the number of years the limousine company has been in business. Experience is a key factor. Companies that have been in business for a number of years will most likely be more reliable and provider better service than those with little or no experience.
  2. Inquire about the limousine company's license and operating authority. Limousine and transportation companies are required to have Federal authority to operate their vehicles from the Department of Transportation as well as local State operating authority. Limousine Companies with such licenses are regulated and thus more likely to provide the consumer with satisfactory service.
  3. Inquire about the Limousine Company's Insurance. There are unfortunately numerous companies around that do not carry the proper commercial insurance coverage on their fleet to protect the consumer in the event of an accident or other mishap. A reputable Limousine Company will have the required commercial insurance coverage and will have no problem providing you with a Certificate of Coverage, if asked.
  4. Inquire about the Limousine Company's affiliations with reputable /organizations such as the Better Bussines Bureau, The National Limousine Association as well as their local Livery Association. Memberships with any of the above and other related organizations is an indication that you are dealing with a professional, reliable Company.
  5. Inquire about evidence of the Companies performances from past clients. Excellent references from other customers will minimize the possibility of service problems.
  6. As to see the vehicle you are interested in reserving. If you don't have time to go and visit the Limousien Company's showroom personally, ask the company to email phot(s) of their limo(s) or other vehicles. This will ensure that you will not end up getting an old rundown limousine in lieu of the new white super stretch you were led to believe you would have. Be sure to check the year, make, model as well as the amenities inside the vehicle.
  7. Inquire about the size of the limousine you are interested in. The following is a brief description of the frequently used sizes:
    6 passenger Limousine
    8 passenger Limousine
    10 passenger Limousine
    12 passenger Limousine
    14 passenger Limousine
  8. If renting more than one vehicle, i.e. a limousine, a bus, be sure to ask about discounts that may apply on the second vehicle. Many companies offer special discounted rates for multiple reservations.
  9. Inquire about overtime charges and overtime availability. Many Limousine Companies will charge you a full hour even if your time runs for example 10 minutes over the contracted time. Be sure to ask if it is possible for the Company to charge the overtime rate on 15 minute or 30 minute increments in the event of overtime. If your event ends early enough, most Limousine Companies will schedule subsequent jobs after your scheduled event. Because weddings are not always predictable, you may need the service longer than anticipated.
  10. Be sure to ask about your chauffeur's gratuity. Most companies have a mandatory gratuity policy for their drivers which is usually anywhere from 15% to 20%. Check your contract to ensure you do not pay duplicate gratuity. sk the availability of the Company in the event their services are needed after the contracted hour ends and get this agreement in writing, if possible.
  11. Once you have selected a Limousine Company to provide your service, ask for a detailed contract of your reservation. Your contract should include the date of service, the time of pickup, number of hours you have reserved the vehicle, the year, make, model and color of the vehicle, the total price of the contract, including driver's gratuity, overtime charges, and routing information, i.e pickup and drop off.

    Important Pointer: Make sure a parent or a legal guardian over the age of 18 signs the Contract with the Limousine Company. The Contract should also contain language detailing the Company's policies regarding cancellations, deposits and the company's liability in the event they are unable to provide the service. This will eliminate the possibility of your Limousine not showing up or canceling your reservation because the company was able to get a more feasible profit from another contract.
  12. Although many companies will call you prior to your reservation to review the itinerary and details of your reservation, if you have not heard from the company 48 hours prior to your scheduled event, contact the company to review the details and amend any discrepancies.
  13. Inquire whether the Limousine Company will have a live person available during the scheduled event, should you require any assistance. If not, be sure to obtain a contact phone number of an operating manager or other individual in charge.
  14. Ask about your chauffeur's gratuity. Most companies have a mandatory gratuity policy for their drivers which is usually anywhere from 15% to 20%. Check your contract to ensure you do not pay duplicate gratuity.
  15. WORD OF CAUTION: Because of State regulations, most companies are concerned about losing and have lost their licenses and operating authorities during prom season because of passengers smuggling alcohol and other illegal items inside limousines. Most companies will thoroughly search the vehicle before and after rendering transportation services.
  16. To ensure that you get full usage of your limousine, here are a few other tips that may assist you:
    Get everyone to gather in one location. This will eliminate wasting unnecessary time for multiple pickups;
    Provide the company in advance with all pickup and drop off addresses so that the driver has full directions in advance and will not get lost;
    Bring your favorite CDs to listen to your favorite tunes during your rides;
    Bring a camera to take pictures of your unforgettable night.



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Business Classifieds
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Charter Bus Services and Sightseeing Tours
Need transportation for your business or group? Find a bus company for planning group charters, corporate outings tours and more:
Arlington Charter Bus
Atlanta Motor Coaches
Dallas Coach Companies
Los Angeles Charter Bus
New Orleans Motor Coach
New York Charters Bus
Orlando Charters & Tours
San Diego Motor Coach
Tampa Motor Coaches
Washington DC Charters

Limos in Canada

British Columbia


Airport Rides

District of Columbia
Missouri Montana
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

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